Catherine Leen (Maynooth), Wilfried Raussert (Bielefeld), Niamh Thornton (Belfast)
Room D3-121—July 15-21, 2012
Critics like Arjun Appadurai view cultures as a complex system of flows that affect the whole globe (1996) and as a scholarly reaction to that Ulfried Reichardt argues that a so-called “global turn” in the field of cultural studies, literary, and film studies is taking place (2010). We will explore how literature, film, and media are shaped by global flows and how they simultaneously express the dynamics, conflicts, and changes that emerge from globalization. We will focus on ethnic/postethnic literatures, music, film, and new media in the Americas. The course will end with the participation of all students in an international conference in conjunction with the International Postgraduate Forum at Bielefeld University on “Global Flows in the Americas” July 21st. Speakers will include doctoral students as well as leading scholars from the US, Mexico, and Ireland.
The Summer School is sponsored by the new Visiting Scholar Program at Bielefeld University and British and American Studies. It is open for MA and PhD students. For enrollment and further information please contact the organizer: