First published in 1995, Postethnic America was widely hailed as a groundbreaking proposal for healing our nation’s ethnic divisions. David A. Hollinger, one of America’s foremost intellectual historians, argues for replacing the pluralist model of multiculturalism that is based on the idea of group rights with a cosmopolitan model that recognizes the reality of shifting group boundaries and multiple identities. Postethnic America is a bracing reminder of America’s universalist promise, and a stirring call for a new form of nationalism.
In this tenth-anniversary edition, Hollinger has added a new postscript in which he responds to his critics and addresses the contemporary conversation about race, ethnicity, inequality, and nationalism in America. © 1998-2001, Inc. und Tochtergesellschaften
Hollinger, David A. Postethnic America: Beyond Multiculturalism. Basic Books, 2006