Kirschner, Luz Angélica (ed.) Expanding Latinidad: An Inter-American Perspective. 2012

Pérez Melgosa, Adrián. Cinema and Inter-American Relations: Tracking Transnational Affect. 2012

Raussert, Wilfried, Graciela Martínez-Zalce (eds.). (Re)Discovering ‘America’: Road Movies and Other Travel Narratives in North America / (Re)Descubriendo ‘América’: Road movie y otras narrativas de viaje en América del Norte. 2012


Arashiro, Zuleika. Negotiating the Free Trade Area of the Americas. 2011

Beauchesne, Kim, Alessandra Santos (eds.). The Utopian Impulse in Latin America. 2011

Blackwell, Maylei. ¡Chicana Power!: Contested Histories of Feminism in the Chicano Movement. 2011

Butler, Martin, Jens Martin Gurr, Olaf Kaltmeier (eds.) EthniCities: Metropolitan Cultures and Ethnic Identities in the Americas. 2011

Garcia, Mario T., Sal Castro. Blowout!: Sal Castro and the Chicano Struggle for Educational Justice. 2011

Gurr, Jens Martin, Wilfried Raussert (eds.) Cityscapes in the Americas and Beyond: Representations of Urban Complexity in Literature and Film. 2011

Lane, Richard J. The Routledge Concise History of Canadian Literature. 2011

Lopez, Marissa K. Chicano Nations: The Hemispheric Origins of Mexican American Literature. 2011

Raab, Josef, Sebastian Thies, Daniela Noll-Opitz (eds.) Screening the Americas/Proyectando las Amércias: Narration of Nation in Documentary Film/Narración de la nación en el cine documental. 2011

Raussert, Wilfried, Michelle Habell-Pallán (eds.) Cornbread and Cuchifritos: Ethnic Identity Politics, Transnationalization, and Transculturation in American Urban Popular Music. 2011

Saldívar, José David. Trans-Americanity: Subaltern Modernities, Global Coloniality, and the Cultures of Greater Mexico. 2011

Stavans, Ilan. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Latin Music. 2011


Couso, Javier, Alexandra Huneeus, and Rachel Sieder, eds. Cultures of Legality: Judicialization and Political Activism in Latin America. 2010

Domínguez, Jorge I., Rafael Fernández de Castro, Contemporary U.S.-Latin American Relations: Cooperation or Conflict in the 21st Century?. 2010

Dorfman, Ariel. The Empire’s Old Clothes: What the Lone Ranger, Babar, and Other Innocent Heroes Do to Our Minds. 2010

Estefan, Emilio. Ritmo Al Exito: Como un Inmigrante Hizo Su Sueno Americano. 2010

Falleti, Tulia G. Decentralization and Subnational Politics in Latin America. 2010

Fraga, Luis, John A. Garcia, and Gary M. Segura. Latino Lives in America: Making It Home. 2010

Gates, Henry Louis Jr. Tradition and the Black Atlantic: Critical Theory in the African Diaspora. 2010

Gardini, Gian Luca. The Origins of Mercosur: Democracy and Regionalization in South America. 2010.

Goyal, Yogita. Romance, Diaspora, and Black Atlantic Literature. 2010

Hing, Bill Ong. Ethical Borders: NAFTA, Globalization, and Mexican Migration. 2010

McClennen,Sophia A. Ariel Dorfman: An Aesthetics of Hope. 2010

McClennen,Sophia A. Ariel Dorfman: An Aesthetics of Hope. 2010

Montejano, David. Quixote’s Soldiers: A Local History of the Chicano Movement, 1966-1981. 2010

Pinn, Anthony B. Caroline F. Levander, Michael O. Emerson (eds.) Teaching and Studying the Americas: Cultural Influences from. 2010 Colonialism to the Present. 2010

Pérez Rosario, Vanessa, ed. Hispanic Caribbean Literature of Migration: Narratives of Displacement. 2010

Perez-Stable, Marifeli. The United States and Cuba: Intimate Enemies. 2010

Perrone, Charles A. Brazil, Lyric, and the Americas. 2010

Raussert, Wilfried and John Miller Jones, eds. Traveling Sounds: Music, Migration, and Identity in the U.S. and Beyond. 2010

Remeseira, Claudio Iván. Hispanic New York: A Sourcebook. 2010

Rinke, Stefan. Revolutionen in Lateinamerika: Wege in die Unabhängigkeit 1760 – 1830. 2010

Siemerling, Winfried, Sarah Philips Castell. Canada and Its Americas: Transnational Navigations. 2010

Soares, André. Beyond Paradise: The Life of Ramon Novarro. 2010

Soldatenko, Michael. Chicano Studies: The Genesis of a Discipline. 2011

Stavans, Ilan, ed. The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature. 2010

Ströbele-Gregor, Juliana, Olaf Kaltmeier, Cornelia Giebeler. Construyendo Interculturalidad: Pueblos Indígenas, Educación y Políticas de Identidad en América Latina. 2010

Watt, Alan J. Farm Workers and the Churches: The Movement in California and Texas. 2010


Adams, Rachel. Continental Divides: Remapping the Cultures of North America. 2009

Adler Hellman, Judith. The World of Mexican Migrants: The Rock and the Hard Place. 2009

Agudelo, Carlos, Capucine Boidin, Livio Sansone (coord), Autour de l’ « Atlantique noir » . Une polyphonie de perspectives. 2009

Alvarez, Agustín. La transformación de las razas en América. 2009

Brickhouse, Anna. Transamerican Literary Relations and the Nineteenth-Century Public Sphere. 2009

Castells, Manuel. The Rise of the Network Society: The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture Volume I. 2009

Galeano, Eduardo H. Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina. 2009

García Canclini, Néstor. Diferentes, Desiguales y Desconectados. 2009

Greenblatt, Stephen. Cultural Mobility: A Manifesto. 2009

Isauro, Jorge and Rionda Ramirez. Historia de los movimientos sociales en México. 2009

Jackson, Carlos Francisco. Chicana and Chicano Art: ProtestArte. 2009

Levander, Caroline F., Robert S. Levine (eds.) Hemispheric American Studies. 2009

Lomas, Laura. Translating Empire: José Martí, Migrant Latino Subjects, and American Modernities. 2009

Lowe, Elizabeth and Earl E. Fitz. Translation and the Rise of Inter-American Literature. 2009

Manuel, Peter, ed. Creolizing Contradance in the Caribbean. 2009

Martinez, Carmen. Repensando los Movimientos Indígenas. 2009

Maybury-Lewis, David, Theodore Macdonald, Biorn Maybury-Lewis, eds. Manifest Destinies and Indigenous Peoples. 2009

Mignolo, Walter D. and Arturo Escobar, eds. Globalization and the Decolonial Option. 2009

Mittag, Jürgen, Georg Ismar (eds.). “El pueblo unido?“ Soziale Bewegungen und politischer Protest in der Geschichte Lateinamerikas. 2009

Oppenheimer, Andrés. Los Estados Desunidos de Latinoamérica: Las mejores columnas, 2006-2009. 2009.

Ragland, Cathy. Música Norteña: Mexican Migrants Creating a Nation Between Nations. 2009

Read, Justin. Modern Poetics and Hemispheric American Cultural Studies. 2009

Reyes, David, Tom Waldman. Land of a Thousand Dances: Chicano Rock ‘n’ Roll from Southern California. Revised Edition. 2009

Rinke, Stefan, Georg Fischer and Frederik Schulze, eds. Geschichte Lateinamerikas vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert: Quellenband. 2009

Rodriguez, Richard. Next of Kin: The Family in Chicano/a Cultural Politics. Durham, North Carolina: Duke UP, 2009.

Thies, Sebastian, and Josef Raab, eds. E Pluribus Unum?: National and Transnational Identities in the Americas/Identidades nacionales y transnacionales en las Américas. 2009

Vázquez, Lourdes. Not Myself Without You. 2009

Vertovec, Steven. Transnationalism. 2009


Alaniz, Yolanda, Megan Cornish. Viva La Raza: A History of Chicano Identity and Resistance. 2008

Beebee, Thomas O. Millennial Literatures of the Americas, 1492-2002. 2008

Campos García, José Luis. Cuando la Música Cruzó la Frontera Digital. 2008

Chavez, Leo R. The Latino Threat: Constructing Immigrants, Citizens, and the Nation. 2008

Earle, Rebecca. The Return of the Native: Indians and Myth-Making in Spanish America, 1810–1930. 2008

Escobar, Arturo. Territories of Difference: Place, Movements, Life, Redes. 2008

Ette, Ottmar, Dieter Ingenschay, and Günter Maihold, eds. EuropAmerikas: Transatlantische Beziehungen. 2008

García Inda, Andrés and José Martínez de Pisón. Derechos fundamentales, movimientos sociales y participación : aportaciones al debate sobre la ciudadanía. 2008

Gilbert, Joseph M., Daniela Spenser. In from the Cold: Latin America’s New Encounter with the Cold War. 2008

Greer, Margaret R., Walter D. Mignolo and Maureen Quilligan, eds. Rereading the Black Legend: The Discourses of Religious and Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires. 2008

Hart, Jonathan. Empires and Colonies. 2008

Herlinghaus, Hermann. Violence Without Guilt: Ethical Narratives from the Global South. 2008

Herrera-Sobek, María. Chicano Folklore: A Handbook. 2008

Ikas, Karin and Gerhard Wagner, eds. Communicating in the Third Space. 2008

Inda, Jonathan Xavier and Renato Rosaldo, eds. The Anthropology of Globalization: A Reader. 2008

Luis-Brown, David. Waves of Decolonization: Discourses of Race and Hemispheric Citizenship in Cuba, Mexico, and the United States. 2008

Morana, Mabel, Enrique Dussel, and Carlos A. Jauregui, eds. Coloniality at Large: Latin America and the Postcolonial Debate. 2008

Poole, Deborah. A Companion to Latin American Anthropology. 2008

Pries, Ludger, ed. Rethinking Transnationalism: The Meso-Link of Organisations. 2008

Prutsch, Ursula. Creating Good Neighbors? Die Kultur- und Wirtschaftspolitik der USA in Lateinamerika, 1940-1946. 2008

Raab, Josef, and Martin Butler, eds. Hybrid Americas: Contacts, Contrasts, and Confluences in New World Literatures and Cultures. 2008

Raussert, Wilfried and Reinhard Isensee, eds. Transcultural Visions of Identities in Images and Texts: Transatlantic American Studies. 2008

Rodriguez, Clara E. Heroes, Lovers, and Others: The Story of Latinos in Hollywood. 2008

Schneider, Edgar W. Varieties of English: The Americas and the Carribbean: The Americas and the Caribbean: 2. 2008

Subervi-Velez, Federico A., ed. The Mass Media and Latino Politics: Studies of Media Content, Campaign Strategies and Survey Research: 1984-2004. 2008

Sugg, Katherine. Gender and Allegory in Transamerican Fiction and Performance. 2008

Allatson, Paul. Key Terms in Latino/a Cultural and Literary Studies. 2007

Büschges, Christian and Johanna Pfaff-Czarnecka, eds. Die Ethnisierung des Politischen: Identitätspolitiken in Lateinamerika, Asien und den USA. 2007

Ette, Ottmar, ed. Caribbean(s) on the Move – Archipiélagos literarios del Caribe: A TransArea Symposium. 2007

Grimson, Alejandro, comp. Cultura y Neoliberalismo. 2007

Hornung, Alfred, ed. Intercultural America. 2007

Muños, Carlos Jr. Youth, Identity, Power: The Chicano Movement. 2007

Naro, NancyPriscilla, Roger Sansi Roca, and David H. Treece, eds. Cultures of the Lusophone Black Atlantic. 2007

Pérez, Laura E. Chicana Art: The Politics of Spiritual and Aesthetic Altarities. 2007

Pratt, Mary Louise. Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. 2007

Shaw, Deborah. Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Breaking Into the Global Market. 2007

Smilde, David. Reason to Believe: Cultural Agency in Latin American Evangelicalism. 2007

Toro, Alfonso de, Cornelia Sieber, Claudia Gronemann, and René Ceballos, eds. Estrategias de la hibridez en América Latina: Del descubrimiento al siglo XXI. 2007

Valenzuela Arce, José Manuel. Las Maras identidades juveniles al límite. 2007

Van Cott, Donna Lee. From Movements to Parties in Latin America: The Evolution of Ethnic Politics. 2007

Viramontes, Helena Maria. Their Dogs Came with Them: A Novel. 2007


Chabram-Dernersesian, Angie, ed. The Chicana/O Cultural Studies Reader. 2006

Fought, Carmen. Language and Ethnicity. 2006

Garcia, Cristina. Bordering Fires: The Vintage Book of Contemporary Mexican and Chicana and Chicano Literature. 2006

Hollinger, David A. Postethnic America: Beyond Multiculturalism. 2006

Langfur, Hal. The Forbidden Lands: Colonial Identity, Frontier Violence, and the Persistence of Brazil’s Eastern Indians, 1750-1830. 2006

Martinez Novo, Carmen. Who Defines Indigenous? 2006

Saldívar, Ramón. The Borderlands of Culture: Américo Paredes and the Transnational Imaginary. 2006

Salvatore, Ricardo D. Imagenes de un Imperio: Estados Unidos y las Formas de Representacion de America Latina. 2006

Scott, Helen. Caribbean Women Writers And Globalization: Fictions of Independence. 2006

Sommer, Doris, ed. Cultural Agency in the Americas. 2006

Walsh, Catherine, Alvaro Garcia Linera, and Walter Mignolo. Interculturalidad, descolonizacion del estado y del conocimiento/ Interculturality, Descolonization of The State and Knowledge. 2006

Mignolo, Walter D. The Idea of Latin America. 2006


Adam, Thomas and Will Kauffman, eds. Germany and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History. 2005

García Canclini, Néstor. Hybrid Cultures: Strategies for Entering and Leaving Modernity. 2005
Grewal, Inderpal. Transnational America: Feminisms, Diasporas, Neoliberalisms. 2005

Hart, Jonathan. Contesting Empires: Opposition, Promotion, and Slavery. 2005

Hufbauer, Gary Clyde and Jeffrey J. Schott. NAFTA Revisited: Achievements and Challenges. 2005

Keller, Gary D., Amy Phillips. Triumph Of Our Communities: Four Decades Of Mexican American Art. 2005

Mato, Daniel, comp. Cultura, Política y Sociedad: Perspectivas Latinoamericanas. 2005

Morana, Mabel. Ideologies of Hispanism. 2005

Pisarz-Ramirez, Gabriele. MexAmerica. 2005

Salvatore, Ricardo. Culturas Imperiales: Experiencia y Representacion En America, Asia y Africa: 14. 2005

Weber, David J. Barbaros: Spaniards and Their Savages in the Age of Enlightenment. 2005
Yudice, George. Theories of the Americas: A Reader in Inter-American Studies. 2005


Balderstone, Daniel and Mike Gonzales, eds. Encyclopedia of Latin American and Caribbean Literature, 1900-2003. 2004

Del Sarto, Ana, Alicia Ríos, Abril Trigo, eds. The Latin American Cultural Studies Reader. 2004

Keller, Gary D., Mary Erickson, Pat Villeneuve. Chicano Art for Our Millennium: Collected Works from the Arizona State University Community. 2004

McClennen, Sophia A. Dialectics of Exile: Nation, Time, Language, and Space in Hispanic Literatures. 2004


Arredondo, Gabriela F., Aida Hurtado, Norma Klahn, Olga Najera-Ramirez, Patricia Zavella (eds.). Chicana Feminisms: A Critical Reader. 2003

Keller, Gary D., Joaquín Alvarado, Kaytie Johnson, Mary Erickson. Contemporary Chicana and Chicano Art: Artists, Work, Culture, and Education. 2002

Murphy, Gretchen. Hemispheric Imaginings: The Monroe Doctrine and Narratives of U.S. Empire. 2005

Tatum, Charles M. Chicano Popular Culture: Que Hable el Pueblo. 2001


Rosales, F. Aturo. Chicano! the History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement. 1996


Vigil, Ernesto B. The Crusade for Justice: Chicano Militancy and the Government’s War on Dissent. 1999


Pardo, Mary. Mexican American Women Activists. 1998


Garcia, Alma, Mario Garcia (eds.). Chicana Feminist Thought: The Basic Historical Writings. 1997

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